Dancetherapy Method Maria Fux with Pio Campo – The Netherlands

Dancetherapy Method Maria Fux

Dance is life

“Amsterdam…I loved so much to dance there, I loved to know your country and Dutch people…a very special dancing time! How beautiful and sweet is, once more, to perceive through this creative movement, that we really are ONE; this divine nature simply blooming in the beauty of our dancing creation!
To go back to your stunning country next may is a gift, a deep joy.
Looking forward to dive in your eyes that I still keep in my heart as shining stars…” – Pio

About Dancetherapy Maria Fux’s Method

Dancetherapy is a way of reappropriating body language through creative stimuli that favor the conjunction of movement with the unique and living “feeling” of each human being. This approach provides images capable of generating movements that are never stereotyped or pre-established, thus allowing the flow of a unique and original creation, totally linked to feeling. Maria Fux, of whom Pio Campo is a direct disciple, was an internationally famous dancer and choreographer who dedicated her entire life to a dance that was a bridge of communication with any human being regardless of physical or psychic limits, background or geographical areas. The Maria Fux Method is based on the possibility of a change that allows one to step out and gradually let go of rigidity, fear and instability, regardless of their psychic, physical or social state.

This event is aimed at anyone over 18 years old who wants to have the experience of awakening the creative potential that is the internal source of actions, movements, choices. This is, therefore, an experiential event, not of training but of introduction to an itinerary of discoveries and possibilities that are dance.


Date and time:
Saturday 24th of May:
from 14:00 till 17:00


Sunday 25th of May:
from 10:00 till 17:00

  • the workshop will be taught in English and Italian
  • minimum age is 18 years



Blomstraat 36
1382 AJ Weesp


  • location is about 30min by car from Amsterdam
  • 15min by train from Amsterdam CS and 8min walk from station Weesp

Your investment

  • for the entire workshop 190€,- (it’s not possible to attend just one day)
  • ⁠NOT included: sleepover and lunch
  • bring your own lunch on Sunday
  • there will be tea, water, fruit and snacks (healthy and non-healthy) on both days

Payment: If you’re from outside the Netherlands payment in cash before the start on Saturday.


To register or for more information please contact:

(Speaks English, Italian and Dutch)